Book Review - A Thomas Jefferson Education

Everyone needs some light reading while on their vacation, but this was NOT my light reading book. (In fact, if I wasn't currently on vacation, I would have finished it sooner, but reading while at Disneyworld is tough, even for me!) It provided me with a great deal of insight and many things to think about and ponder over.

I think this book quantifies the essence of my home schooling goal - to teach my children how to think. DeMille did a wonderful job of explaining how the classics in every type encourage kids to do so. This book came at a particularly good time in my reading schedule, because it did a remarkable job of clarifying several of the points made in "The Curriculum Debate" and I found myself nodding and saying, ah, yes, now THAT point is suddenly clear! Specifically, I enjoy how he made clear the idea that the classics do a superb job of modeling humanistic behavior, and provide us all with the ability to learn as we reason our way through them. I also appreciated how he broke down the various books into categories, with each category clearly defined. This is a big help to me as I determine what types of books I should be reading.

The thing that stood out the most, however, was the need for parents to model the type of behavior we want our children to portray. In this case, he states that we as parents should be seriously reading and examining the classics ourselves if we want our children to do this. Though this should be a 'duh' thing, it is something that I think we often neglect.

Although I've seen references to a Thomas Jefferson education all over the LDS home schooling boards, DeMille points out the ability and the need for such an education in all the different types of school, including public schools. He also discusses how a public schooled child can receive an education that helps them think.

As a Latter-day Saint, this book takes several of the points made in various LDS Conference talks that discuss spiritual learning and applies them to secular learning - which shouldn't be a surprise. Basically, the student is the one who is responsible for their own education. A student who does not think that what they are learning is not important will not learn the subject matter.

This book solidified much of the vague notions I had in mind for my home schooling, and so I am going to have to give it another good read - probably with a notebook in hand - before I mail it back to its owner. I am also going to have to give in and make an actual purchase of the book! I enjoyed the clear way that it was laid out, and the methods the author used to move through each section.

Nola Redd is an author on http://www.Writing.Com/ which is a site for Fiction Writing Visit her online bookstore, Redd's Read Books to find something else great to read!

Books About Education

There are a vast number of books about education available. However, these can vary greatly in the type of content that is available in them. There will be books that cover a range of topics and information, all depending on what you are looking for. These may be reference books, as well as commentary and political books as well. However, they can be extremely useful when it comes to learning more about education and how the system works within the schools, including colleges too. The amount of information and resources contained within the books can give you a broader understanding of the education system today, as well as make you a better teacher or professor if that is the field you are entering into. Making sure to read a range of these books about education is important and should be done.
Many of the books about education can be broken down into categories or types of books so to speak. These can be arranged into books on:
Reading and the problems within the school system with reading today. As well as, how to handle problem reading issues, why there are problems with kids and how they are taught to read and how to come up with programs and ways to teach reading that is better than what is currently performed. Reading is one of the main subjects anyone has to know to learn anything else, without reading there is no way to understand or even communicate. These books take all this into account and deal with the issues at hand. There are also books on education that go over why books have been banned and the terrible injustice doing this does to children and young adults when learning.
The public education system and the problems that are inherently a part of it. The public education system, though good to provide education to all, has many problems within the system that limits learning and exploration within subjects. Books in this category cover these issues, why they are a serious problem and what needs to be done to change the system and provide a better over all education for all.
Math and how math is being taught today. These are great reference books to use, especially as parents, since children are no longer taught math the same way and not knowing it can become a problem when trying to help complete homework with a child. Not to mention too that knowing this when going into the education system as a teacher or other education provider is important as well, to be well versed in the new ways that math is handled.
Politics in the education system, why this is a problem and how this is destroying public education also. Politics have found there way into education for many reasons and usually due to something a particular group, politician or organization wants for their own benefit. Understanding how politics has entered eduction and what it is doing to the education today is very important as a way to combat this meddling that takes place.
How to teach as well. Though going to school and learning how to teach and is important too, reading up on some of these additional books can be useful as well. Especially since they offers additional ways of connecting with students, understanding how they are learning and better ways to teach them and help them learn too.
The reading list can become large when it comes to books about education. There are many to choose from and consider looking into to have a more well rounded perspective on education today and even in past years. As well as understanding what has led up to this point today in education, so that the same mistakes are not made twice.

Administrating Special Education in Our Schools - A Book Review

Special education in our schools is something that is very serious, and it costs a lot of money. We have some of the best and brightest figuring out how to do it correctly, and keep the costs low so we can afford to operate our school systems for all the kids. It is quite a challenge for us, but it is a major responsibility and a task we cannot ignore. If you'd like to read more information on this very serious subject I'd like to recommend a very good book to you.

This book explains the ins and outs of the reality behind what's going on. It's interesting that this book is well over 20 years old, but the same problems they've identified previously are the exact issues and problems that we have now. The name of the book is;

"Educational Administration and Special Education: a Handbook for School Administrators" by C. Lamar Myers, 1982

This is basically a Handbook for School Administrators, and although these curriculums had changed since it was originally published in 1982 most everything holds true today. Especially the concerns identified in the book concerning the funding of local and rural special-education, and the procedures that we use. We still have a shortage of qualified personnel in this field and that will probably continue and increase into the future.

The book also explains the history, which is quite fascinating and important to understand, so you can understand how we got to where we are today. The book also covers several other important topics such as;

    What Are Sensory Disabilities
    Issues with Hearing, Behavioral Disorders
    Organizational Models
    Differences Between Small and Large School Districts
    Budget Challenges
    The Politics of Special-Education

Originally the rules were; not mainstreaming, rather "least restrictive alternative" or the least restrictive environment. Next, there were master plans for special education set up across the country. The author poses some questions that to this day still have not been rightfully addressed in special ed in many places. And goes into an in-depth look at; IEP's -Individual Education Plans; but first an assessment is needed. I hope you will please consider all this.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes in education.

Kids Educational Books As Birthday Gifts

If you would like to give something to your niece or nephew, then kids' education books would be the best gifts to give, because they are loved by many children. There are many times when we search for kids' birthday gifts and we are totally stuck with what to give- there are toys and dresses, but would kids like them? And the next point is to buy something helpful and practical for them.

By keeping all these things in mind, you should go for children's book sets if you need something useful, practical and lovable as well. To build the character of your kids, these books sets have a lot of books covering motivational and educational stories. Since now a days, children are fond of playing violent computer games, so you want something to teach them good values in an entertaining way. And you can do this with the help of a children's book set because it contains all types of books that can make your child a good human.

You can find various interesting books in these sets, like great short tales giving some morals, and benefits of eating fruits and vegetables etc. And one of the most important things is that several books lay stress on family values, that is very important to teach in today's life. There even are some mind games that would train kids for math and science interesting problems by making them enjoy. Apart from that, there are even some books on poetry and arts that would make your kid aware of arts.

When children learn to read, they want to read as many things that they get, as it is something that they have recently discovered. It is best to give them something that suits their requirements something like kids' educational books. These books would make studies fun for them, and they can enjoy their classes more when they get that math and science are actually fun. This would even develop their interest in studies and they will obtain good grades in school and later in college.

So, purcahse kids' educational books for your young relatives on their birthdays if you would like to give something useful to them. If you want your children to learn good values, then these books sets are the best gift for them. So just go to your local book store, or just visit an online store to order a great set of educational books for kids.

Copywriting Response Boosters: Get a Million Dollar Education for a Couple Hundred Bucks

If you want to learn the art of writing copy or be able to spot the difference between a copywriter and a really good copywriter, then the best grounding you can get in copywriting is to start by studying the masters.

For a couple hundred bucks you can get a better education that you would get from a lot of $5,000 copywriting courses. Don't get me wrong there are a few $5,000 copywriting and marketing courses out there that are worth every penny. Better to play it safe and invest your money in a few good books.

Here are seven books I believe make a million dollar reading list that every good copywriter has or should have read, ideally they have studied these books in great depth.

Scientific Advertising Claude Hopkins. Claude was doing everything good internet marketers are doing today in the 1900s. This book is his philosophy for creating advertising that sells. You get more from this book in 2 hours than you can almost anywhere else. You can download it for free, but grab the Scientific Advertising/ My Life In Advertising book instead.

Tested Advertising Methods - John Caples. John Caples wrote the most 'borrowed' headline in all marketing. "They Laughed When I Sat Down at The Piano... " It is a rite of passage to borrow that headline these days. The book is entirely worth the read and will give you a lot of ways to improve your copy before you see what the market thinks of it.

The Robert Collier Letter Book- Robert Collier. The man who popularised the phrase "enter the conversation already going on in the prospect's head." Collier sold everything via mail - Coal to Dresses. The principles he lays out in this book are timeless. There is no point studying copywriting without reading this book.

Million Dollar Mailings - Denny Hatch. An anthology of direct mail pieces that have been in the mail for at least three years. This book is worth its weight in gold to any copywriter simply because it deals solely in direct mail facts - these are the pieces that work. Because every mailing featured has stayed in the mail and proven profitable over the duration of their life in the mail. Writing any letters in this book out by hand would be a valuable investment of time for any copywriter.

Breakthrough Advertising Eugene Schwartz. This book is responsible to 100 million dollar fortunes being made. Not just million dollar fortunes. When it was out of print you could pick up a used copy on eBay for $900. It's back out again and much more reasonably priced. More advanced copywriting materials covered here - I believe it splits the copywriting world in two. Copywriters who have read Breakthrough Advertising and those, that haven't.

How to Write a Good Advertisement. Vic Schwab. Closer to a 100 page copywriting course than a book. Complete with review questions and full of plenty how to advice. Great tips on research, staying current with a market. Gary Halbert recommended this book and I can see why.

The Ultimate Sales Letter. Dan Kennedy. A really useful book for translating sales skills into effective sales copy. It is the only book that shows a complete copywriting process from beginning to end. If you get the second edition it is a really good educational book and contains one of the most famous 3 step mailings on 'Planet Dan.'

As a bonus (you can always boost response with a good bonus) I am including the book that best teaches the fundamental nuts and bolts of direct marketing - something every copywriter needs to know.

Successful Direct Marketing Methods Bob Stone. Every copywriter needs to be a good marketer as well. This book shows you how to take good copy and use it in a variety of media. It explains the nuts and bolts of direct marketing simply and clearly.

If you read and really study those eight books it will put you ahead of most copywriters for knowledge and understanding of direct marketing. Some of these books are free others a little more pricey but the marketing wisdom they impart in these books is priceless in the hands of the right person.

You can claim a free copy of my step by step guide "Create Highly Effective Sales Letters" Every step in the copywriting process is explained from getting started to signing off. You can get your copy by going to