Copywriting Response Boosters: Get a Million Dollar Education for a Couple Hundred Bucks

If you want to learn the art of writing copy or be able to spot the difference between a copywriter and a really good copywriter, then the best grounding you can get in copywriting is to start by studying the masters.

For a couple hundred bucks you can get a better education that you would get from a lot of $5,000 copywriting courses. Don't get me wrong there are a few $5,000 copywriting and marketing courses out there that are worth every penny. Better to play it safe and invest your money in a few good books.

Here are seven books I believe make a million dollar reading list that every good copywriter has or should have read, ideally they have studied these books in great depth.

Scientific Advertising Claude Hopkins. Claude was doing everything good internet marketers are doing today in the 1900s. This book is his philosophy for creating advertising that sells. You get more from this book in 2 hours than you can almost anywhere else. You can download it for free, but grab the Scientific Advertising/ My Life In Advertising book instead.

Tested Advertising Methods - John Caples. John Caples wrote the most 'borrowed' headline in all marketing. "They Laughed When I Sat Down at The Piano... " It is a rite of passage to borrow that headline these days. The book is entirely worth the read and will give you a lot of ways to improve your copy before you see what the market thinks of it.

The Robert Collier Letter Book- Robert Collier. The man who popularised the phrase "enter the conversation already going on in the prospect's head." Collier sold everything via mail - Coal to Dresses. The principles he lays out in this book are timeless. There is no point studying copywriting without reading this book.

Million Dollar Mailings - Denny Hatch. An anthology of direct mail pieces that have been in the mail for at least three years. This book is worth its weight in gold to any copywriter simply because it deals solely in direct mail facts - these are the pieces that work. Because every mailing featured has stayed in the mail and proven profitable over the duration of their life in the mail. Writing any letters in this book out by hand would be a valuable investment of time for any copywriter.

Breakthrough Advertising Eugene Schwartz. This book is responsible to 100 million dollar fortunes being made. Not just million dollar fortunes. When it was out of print you could pick up a used copy on eBay for $900. It's back out again and much more reasonably priced. More advanced copywriting materials covered here - I believe it splits the copywriting world in two. Copywriters who have read Breakthrough Advertising and those, that haven't.

How to Write a Good Advertisement. Vic Schwab. Closer to a 100 page copywriting course than a book. Complete with review questions and full of plenty how to advice. Great tips on research, staying current with a market. Gary Halbert recommended this book and I can see why.

The Ultimate Sales Letter. Dan Kennedy. A really useful book for translating sales skills into effective sales copy. It is the only book that shows a complete copywriting process from beginning to end. If you get the second edition it is a really good educational book and contains one of the most famous 3 step mailings on 'Planet Dan.'

As a bonus (you can always boost response with a good bonus) I am including the book that best teaches the fundamental nuts and bolts of direct marketing - something every copywriter needs to know.

Successful Direct Marketing Methods Bob Stone. Every copywriter needs to be a good marketer as well. This book shows you how to take good copy and use it in a variety of media. It explains the nuts and bolts of direct marketing simply and clearly.

If you read and really study those eight books it will put you ahead of most copywriters for knowledge and understanding of direct marketing. Some of these books are free others a little more pricey but the marketing wisdom they impart in these books is priceless in the hands of the right person.

You can claim a free copy of my step by step guide "Create Highly Effective Sales Letters" Every step in the copywriting process is explained from getting started to signing off. You can get your copy by going to